CONDEMNING OTHERS; (Your Reasons and conclusions.)

TEXT: 1Tess 5:14-21. Read 1cor 14:26, col 2:8, 3Joh 1:11.

Let me start brethren by telling of two events that took place not long.

A man of God who I believe was sent with charity works raised money for the C-Section of a woman on Facebook as his good deeds then. Around that time, I was invited for a program by an elderly prophet. Why praying at the back of the church, a young woman was rushing towards the church, she met me at the back of the church asking to see the prophet. I told her the prophet was leading prayers and will not be available until the end of the program. She told me of a woman who was in labour as they used to say and the Doctor asked them to pay the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand naira by then for C-section. I was led by the Spirit of God to pray into water to be given to the woman. I did, She drank the water and delivered safely. Why Reading a post of the man of God later that week, he said in the post how wrong it is to pray for women who need C-section and not allow the Doctors to do their jobs. What he wrote in the post shows that he knows in part and many things are still out of his knowledge no matter how high we might have thought of him been a good and kind hearted man of God. He condemn those that pray into water in its entirety and many doctrines even those that are clearly written in the scriptures. Now the conclusions of many today largely due to human and not Biblical. Matt 15:1-14. We condemn one another based on what we think are right or wrong not reading the Bible or letting the Holy Spirit lead us. Acts 10. Many attacks on elderly and other Ministers today in the church are because they are not in line with what we belief and not what the Bible says. Please note:- whatever not approved by the Word of God should never be allowed in the Church. Having said this, it is also pertinent that we be careful of condemning what we have not read or do enough study about from our Bible.

Reasons For Condemnations in the Church today. Like I have formally said, Condemnation is an evil in the church today that many are not aware of. This is a menace, a weapon in the hand of the devil that many don’t know. Those that were to be working as brethren are busy destroying the work they claimed that God called them into. The following are human made reasons for Condemnations that many take up today. 1 cor 3.

  1. Not knowing the wok of God:- Some so called Christians still don’t know that God works in diverse of ways. 1cor 3:1-6.
  2. Canally minded:- Do we even know that many rose against others, their leaders and other Christians out of those things that came from their own heart. For the Church to see and accept them and their intentions, they called what came from them as revelation from God. If canallity reign in a church or among brethren, there is bound to be divisions in the church.
  3. I am Of” What faction do you belong to in the Church? Groups intended for the growth of the work of evangelism in some changes has been turned to faction that divide the church. One group condemning others. 1cor 3:4.
  4. worshiping Leaders :- Leader are to be respected and not worshipped. It is what the Bible says and not what your leaders says. Bowing for whom you hold in high esteem and matching on those you deem not fit are both wrong and not in agreement with the written word of God. 1Tim 5:1-2.
  5. Modernity:- This is a great problem in the Church as those with the genuine teachings of the word of God are being termed old school and are not to be listened to. The brake away are too many in churches because some can’t accept old ways of worship since they have discovered modernized way of worship that open heaven quickly. Any time the old preach a message and the modernist listen, they will be quick to condemn and attack the old or their so called outdated preacher.
  6. lack of love:- The message of Salvation is based on the love of God through His Son to save a perishing world. This love is not know today by many so called Bible scholars and exegetical proclaimers. 1John 4:8. Please read 1john 3&4.
  7. The demon of what is trending:- 2Tim 4:10. This is a spirit of social media that daily trouble many and daily lead them into errors. It is not everything that is been said that a Christian can comment on. No child of God talk anyhow. Col 4:6. The word of God want us to stay away from arguments vain words and philosophies. Gal 5:6, Ephesians 5:6, 1Tim 1:6.
  8. Lack of respect and Honour for Elders and Leader:- The youths of this modern days have no basic teachings on how to Honour and respect elders. There is demon in many that attacks and run down elders and Leaders anyhow anywhere. This is a demon that have destroyed many youths today. May the Lord help his church. The. Bible asked us to respect our elders. Read the following verses Lev 19:32, prov 16:31, Ex 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16, Mal 1:6 and still Matt 15:4, 19:19, Mk 10:19, Eph 6:1-2. I can’t understand why this generation will be in confrontations with fathers. It is against the word of the Lord to rise against fathers as this young ones do.
  9. Rejection of the knowledge of God’s word. Romans 1:28, 1Tim 4:1-2, 2Tim 4:1-5. What do you like listening to? Ask yourself questions about your teachers for you will become what you are taking in. You will be like your teachers Matt 10:24-25.
  10. Wanting to be teachers… 1Tim 1:7. It is God that Call and raise teachers in the Church 1Cor 12:28. Teachers are not raised according to human injunctions but as God pleases. Those not called by God and want to be teachers are teaching errors. These ones pup up and are boastful matching on elders and leaders in the church.

we shall continue in the next article by God’s grace. AMEN.

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